Commit the Act! Pray! (Will you join us in this prayer every day for at least 30 days?)
Prayer Points: *Pray for the Body of Jesus Christ to be unified and activated * Pray for Senate & Congress to agree upon and pass on big beautiful bill with above and beyond all the promises made by the President and administration * Pray for the Lord to address & remove the 37 trillion dollar deficit for nothing is impossible with God *Pray for all corruption, abuse and fraud in our government (federal, state & local agencies) to be exposed and dealt with lawfully & constitutionally and the guilty to be held accountable *Pray for hedge of protection around all leaders (government, church, business, education, families) *Pray for positive meetings between Trump & all world leaders *Pray for those affected by all natural disasters (wind, fire, floods, earthquakes, pestilence etc.) *Pray for Peace and resolution between Ukraine and Russia. *Pray for protection over America’s communication grid and for personnel involved in US / Israeli relations. *Pray for protection over America’s power & water systems & grid *Pray for Peace in the Middle East *Pray for return of (all) hostages taken on October 7th, 2023 to be returned to loved ones. *Pray for Safety and Success for incoming administration and for all Cabinet members *Pray for all suffering with sickness or disease. (Names of the Sick) *Pray for salvation for the lost souls (Names of the Lost). *Pray for total exposure of any or all terrorist attacks, schemes or plots and riots to be exposed in USA and Israel to be thwarted. *Pray without ceasing for Great Awakening & Revival worldwide In Jesus Mighty Name!!! *Pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out upon all Flesh!!!*Pray for widows & Orphans in our world today!!!
Scripture to Meditate, activate, personalize, declare and decree over personal and family life.
"God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good Behold, I have received a command to bless; He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it. Numbers 23:19-20 NKJV
Heavenly Father your name is HOLY and set apart from every name in heaven on earth or below the earth. You are our righteousness, our sanctification, our peace, you are a present God in time of need, you are our healer, our provider, our deliverer, our Salvation, our refuge and fortress, our rear guard, you are the Great Shepherd and Guardian of our souls, you are Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. You are the God who sees, who is ALL Sufficient, Everlasting, Almighty God, the God who fights our battles, Eternal, you are a jealous God, Lord and Creator of all life visible and invisible. In Jesus Mighty Name we enter into your Presence with boldness and confidence giving to you all Glory, Honor and Praise knowing that you always hear the effectual and fervent prayers of the righteous. James 5:16
In Jesus Name, you, O Lord our Heavenly Father, have called us out of darkness into your marvelous light to be Light and Salt in a fallen world which Jesus calls, a crooked and perverse generation. We are redeemed & made righteous by the precious blood of Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ we are ministers of reconciliation, born again and sealed for the day of redemption with the Holy Spirit We are a chosen race, a Holy Nation, a royal priesthood and a peculiar people. We are more than conquerors and adopted sons & daughters of the Most High God. We are citizens of your kingdom on this earth and ambassadors of heaven to reach those who are lost. Our king Jesus Christ gave us His followers command and authority before he ascended into heaven to be seated at your right hand, heavenly father, to go into the entire world and spread this good news of His salvation, healing and deliverance.
And we pray unto you, the LORD our God, and make our confession, and say, O Lord Jesus Christ, the great and dreadful God, keeping your covenant and mercy to us that love you, and to us that keep your commandments. We have sinned, and have committed iniquity, and have done wickedly, and have rebelled, even by departing from your precepts and from your judgments: Daniel 9:4-5 modified
Today Lord God Almighty we remember the greatest of all the commandments taught to us by Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, which is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matthew 22: 37-40
And You O LORD, have appeared to us at this time, and said unto us, you have heard our prayers and have chosen us for you self to be a living sacrifice. If you shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if you command the locusts to devour the land, or if you send pestilence among us your people; If we your people, which are called by your name, will humble ourselves, and pray, and seek your face, and turn from our wicked ways; then will you hear from heaven, and will forgive our sins, and will heal our land. Now your eyes shall be open, and your ears will attend unto our prayers made in the powerful Name of Jesus Christ. For now, have you chosen and sanctified us as your people that your name may be upon us forever: and your eyes and your heart shall be upon us perpetually.
II Chronicles 7:12-16 modified
In Jesus Name, we pray for the Peace and Protection of Israel who is the apple of your eye. Zechariah 2:8 all who bless Israel will be blessed and all who curse Israel will be cursed. This everlasting covenant you made with your dear friend Abraham and to his SEED as an everlasting promise. We pray for your blessings to be upon Israel and Abraham's SEED Forever! Genesis 12:3
In Jesus Name, we pray this prayer in the power Of the Holy Spirit, by the authority of the written Word Of God and Victory Of Jesus Christ's Shed blood, and the Word in Matthew 16: 19 (I will give you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven; whatever we bind on Earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever we loose on Earth will be loosed In heaven.) Lord Jesus all Power & Authority have been given unto you in heaven, on earth and below the earth of those things which are visible & invisible. You also took on human flesh to live a perfect life unto God, to be a perfect sacrifice for our sins, to reconcile us back to God and also that you might destroy all the works of the devil. I John 3:8 for though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once our obedience is complete. II Corinthians 10: 3-6
In Jesus Name, we bind, blind, gag and pull down those Principalities that have influence over your nations, governments, businesses, farmers, military, law enforcement, EMT's, Firefighters, Doctors, Nurses, schools, educators, churches, media, social media, families, marriages, widows, orphans, unborn, abducted children, health, Arts & Entertainment, All lost and blinded souls. Expose, Expose and Expose all corruption and abuse in every area of society. We ask for Michael the Archangel and legions of warring angels under his authority and the Spirit of Jehu and Elijah to be loosed upon: Prince of Persia, Baal-Peor, Baphomet, Dianic Wicca, Tammuz & Semiramis, Dagon, Molech, Leviathan, Taurus the Bull, Ben-Hadad, Hyena, Nimrod, All Secret Societies, Beelzebub, Baal & Asherah, Ahab & Jezebel, Apollos, Apollyon, Ishstar, Osiris, Asmodeus, Absalom, Delilah, Legion, All Luciferian Spirits, All Spirits of Perversion, Spirits of Mammon, Spirit of the Nicolaitans, All Spirits of Chaos & Confusion, substance abuse in all forms and according to your word in Judges 7:22 turn your enemies against themselves and send them into confusion and absolute panic cutting all ties and cords to those who are influenced and blinded by their deception.
In Jesus Name, we bind, rebuke, and bring to no effect: all hexes, spells, jinxes, all voodoo, magic (black, white or yellow), charms, bewitchments, enchantments, sorcery, superstitions, horoscopes, palm reading, tarot card readings, divination, all forms of witchcraft, all division, discord, disunity, and disrespect; all religious spirits, all atheist and agnostic spirits, all spirits of divorce, all rebellion and disobedience, confusion and disorder; all strife, anger, wrath, murder, suicide, hatred, and violence; all criticism, condemnation, vain glory, Envy, jealousy, and gossip. blasphemy, greed, and covetousness, all slander, evil speaking and filthy communications Out of people's mouths; all lying, hindering, or retaliatory spirits; all deceiving and scorning spirits; all false Teaching, false gifts, manifestations and lying signs and wonders; all poverty, lack or want, all fear of lack, all trauma and trauma related spirits, all accident & accident prone spirits, all harassing and obscene spirits; all fear and fear related spirits: all murmuring and complaining, all familiar spirits, all spirit guides, all psychic & clairvoyant spirits, all new age spirits, lawlessness, all gangs and gang related spirits, spirits of incubi & succubi, childish self-will, seducing spirits, drug & sex trafficking spirits, child sacrifice, expose all demonic patterns of similarity, terrorism and spirits of the Antichrist.
In Jesus Name, we break: All curses that have been placed on us, all the power of negative words and attitudes coming out of the mouths of people, all generational curses, sickness and diseases and ask as the Great Physician and healer to touch all those suffering (names of those battling sickness) with any and all diseases or curses that you have paid for in full upon the cross by your healing wounds and stripes Isaiah 53: 5-6, supernaturally and receive all your blessings by faith fully believing that Jesus Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Jews & Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Galatians 3: 3-14
We break and render useless all prayers not inspired by the Holy Spirit, whether psychic, soul force, witchcraft, or counterfeit tongues or through any occult means that had been placed on or against us. We return all curses placed against us to those senders in accordance with your Word in Psalms 109 that those who practice such evil might turn and repent from their sins and be saved. For Greater are you that is within us then he who is in the world. I John 4:4 We turn all curses placed against us into blessings (Physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, bodily, financially, spiritually) Nehemiah 13:2 We are free from all demonic forces---- for whom the Son sets free, is free indeed!!! John 8:36
In Jesus Name, we are subject to God, and we resist the devil, and he flees from us in Terror. For no tongue, no weapon, no evil, no destruction, no tragedy shall prosper against us, for we escape from the snare of the devil. Isaiah 54:17 we put on the whole Armor of God that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. We wrestle not against flesh or blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. We put on the whole armor of God, we gird our loins with truth, we put on the breastplate of righteousness, our feet are Shod With the preparation of the Gospel of Peace, we take the shield of faith and quench every fiery dart of the enemy, we have the helmet of salvation and the Sword of the Spirit (which is the Word of God) Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints. Ephesians 6:10-18. Our steps are ordered of the Lord. The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth. We discern between the righteous and the wicked; between him that serves God and him that serves Him not. We take authority over this day, in Jesus' name. Lord, let it be prosperous for us, let us walk in your love, and show forth your glory in the Earth.
In Jesus Name, we take authority you Lord have delegated to us over Satan and all of his demons and those people who are influenced by them, and we declare Satan is under our feet and shall remain there this entire day. We plead the Blood of Jesus, a wall of fire, a band of Angels, and raise up a standard and a hedge of thorns over every area of our life.
In Jesus Name, we are the righteousness of God, and we say so. We have the God kind of faith, ever increasing and limitless faith. You have given us authority In Jesus Mighty Name over all the enemy to trample on snakes & scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, who will not hurt or harm us in any way. Luke 10:19
In Jesus Name, we are God's Chosen people and his own possession, so Satan, get out of our country (USA, Israel and every Nation Tongue and Tribe), our government leaders (federal, state & local), our schools & teachers, our churches & all church leaders, our media, our marriages, our life, our family (children & Grandchildren), our mind, will & emotions, our ministries & callings, our jobs, our bodies which are your temple purchased with the Blood of Jesus Christ, our health, our home, our communities, our finances, and all that concerns us!
In Jesus Name, we pray for the ministry that you, Lord, have called, created and destined us to be a part of. We ask for the Holy Spirit to quicken our mortal bodies and to equip us with your wisdom & Knowledge and the fear of the Lord to accomplish your Holy will. We also call in financial support so that we can do the work unhindered by lack. When the enemy steals from us he has to repay us sevenfold what he has taken from us. Proverbs 6:31 you lay up the treasures of the wicked for the righteous Proverbs 13:22 and we can stand upon all your promises in your Word for all the promises of God are yes and Amen!!! II Corinthians 1:20
In Jesus Name, we call in ministry of helps to assist in the work. Your Word says one can put to flight 1000 enemy spirits and two in agreement can put 10,000 enemy spirits to flight. Deuteronomy 32:30 a thousand may fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand; but it shall not come near us. Psalms 91:7 we call forth intercessors to at all times hold us up in prayer.
In Jesus Name, we pray
that all who are true believers in the finished work of the cross and believe you have risen from the dead, are perfectly united in Spirit and Truth. John 4:23 We stand firm united in Spirit and purpose, working side by side, centering in on the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We live in harmony and unity, sharing the same Agape love and vision according to your perfect will. We do nothing through strife or vain glory. We follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, hope, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, meekness, long suffering and self-control. We draw nigh To God, and God draws nigh to us. We submit to God resist the devil and he must flee from us. James 4:7-8
In Jesus Name, we are called, Anointed, and equipped to accomplish All God has called us to do not by our might or power but by the leading of and power through your Holy Spirit. Zechariah 4:6 we overcome Satan by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of our testimony, loving not our lives as to shrink unto death. Revelation 12:11
Father, In Jesus Name, we thank you as we proclaim your Word and yield to your will, that you dispatch governmental, ministering, worshipping, guarding, scattering, gathering, recording, finishing, harvesting and warring angels to protect and assist us this day. Thwart, expose, bring to light every plot, plan, scheme, sabotage, devise and blueprint of all demonic activity in (governments, churches, All education, marriages, children and all society) in accordance with your word
Mark 4:22
In Jesus Name, we rebuke any negative expectation. We forgive all who have hurt or harmed us in any way. (Names of those to forgive) We forgive ourselves for all our many faults & failures. We receive from the Lord, for he is our faithful provider. We call forth divine appointments and open doors of opportunity, God ordained supernatural encounters, ministry appointments and positions.
In Jesus Name, we declare it so. May the Lord perfect that which concerns us. Amen!
From the Desk of Brother Tom
Let God Arise Ministries Inc.
Please join us in praying for those PRAYER NEEDS in JAIL Matthew 25:36
Jesus said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. John 14:12
"Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures". Luke 24:45
Father, truly open the minds of all associated with and in jail. Open their minds to understand Your Word. Remove the veil of deception and may they see Truth and behold your life-giving majesty and power. May love wash over each one as never before experienced. Thank You that You love us all and constantly pursue us. We love you.
Please say each name out loud.
Lord I ask of you to open these doors and free me Father God.
Forgive me of all my sins, knowingly and unknowingly. Continue to watch over my family and keep them protected in the name of Jesus. Continue to heal my baby girl Kalani and provide her the proper recovery she needs. Help me Lord. I can’t do it alone. I need you Lord. I’m stressed and overwhelmed. Pardon the judge & prosecutors and others to understand and have sympathy for me Lord. Amen
Prayers for myself & my mother, Joyce, my kid’s mother, Tory, Tamekia, Crystal and Felicia. Also I ask prayer for help getting my entire family and all loved ones. Thank you & Jesus Christ. Amen
Praying for my release so I can get home to my family also ask can you pray for my family and friends.
God keep me blessed at all times. You know my rights and my wrongs. Hear me out blessed me and help me out this situation. You know my innocents and Jesus name Amen PRAISE: God keep blessing me and hear me out.
Is to get right with the Lord in all areas of my life. For strength to stay faithful, forgiveness of my sins and for other brothers and sisters who struggle in this life.
For my daughter’s and son’s. Comfort them while I’m gone. Help them pull through and be strong. PRAISE: I pray time speeds up and stay on task.
I request a prayer to be a better person than I was and a better believer than I was and prayer for my family and kids. PRAISE: I’m a true believer in His word.
I’m praying for my freedom to raise my child and take care of my family.
To be more obedient so I can be more useful to do more for Christ.
I go home o the 26 of this month and pray for my grandmother.
Forgive sin.
Forgive my sins.
Just want to say thank you God and prayers for my family.
I would like prayer for myself and my case. Also prayer for my family and my wife. I would like prayer for my lawyers fighting my case PRAISE: My health and safety while I’m incarcerated. My family’s safety and good health. Keeping me spiritually strong and mentally strong.
Thank God for a new day.
Family and friends, bless them.
Pray for release today &
for my friends & family that we be blessed & have healthy lives & we can have enough blessings to bless others.
take these men to the Laver, Jesus Christ, to be cleansed and purified. Take us all. We want to come to you with a clean heart, free from distractions and chaotic thoughts. May love and forgiveness and freedom come to the least of these? IJNA
Kendrick: Prayer for my family and friends. I thank the Lord for good health and ask that all negative energy be removed from around me.
Lord Jesus, I want to pray for myself. I go to court Wednesday please Lord I would be thankful if you give me a bond to have another chance at going home, thank you Jesus for answering my prayers.
I ask that the Lord continue to bless me and my family with good health mind body and soul, I ask that God deliver me from this trial.
I ask if God can forgive me of all my sins and give me a second chance. PRAISE: My family, my health and well-being.
Protect me, my family and friends and help me into the right path, reveal all in front of me to remove from my life. Amen
Provide security and protection through his Holy name and Spirit for everybody Lord Jesus, Amen! Continue to bless me and my family. Keep giving us his wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
I will like for God to help me in this case about going to help me go to Birmingham to be the man that God call me to be. And to help me teach the word of God.
I go to court 2-27-2025. Pray for me that all goes well health, wealth, spiritual abundance. To help me to be more obedient to the spirit. For shelter, clothes, peace, joy, future hope, love.
Asking prayers for strength, health, strong mind and some good news with one of my upcoming requests.
I just want you to know that God loves you and He’ll never leave you. He’s the true living God. Jesus says come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. I believe! In Your Holy name. Amen! PRAISE: I know God has changed my life. I was lost but now I’m found, I just want to thank you for praying for me because God has transformed my heart and mind.
My prayer request would be that God would come live in me change my heart change my mind. Set me free by allowing me to re-enter society with a new attitude, I pray that God would touch the grand jury’s heart that they may see that I am innocent, that they my see freedom for me. I pray that God would give me the power, the strength to do His will.
Leon: Thank you God for waking me up this morning. Thank you for all your blessings. Please stay by
my side. Please God bless my family in friend. Keep them safe in the world. Please God bless me in this problem I am in now let it come out to be good for me. Thanks God for all your love in Jesus name, Amen
I want to thank God for everything and to keep everyone healthy and close to Jesus Christ. I want His will to be done for me, for my family and friends and loved ones, I hope to be with them soon if it's God’s will. Amen
For my court date and some good news.
I would like to pray ask the Almighty
Savior Heavenly Father Holy Father to move spiritually through inside me & others. Foremost, anoint, restore, invigorate, strengthen, and empower me. Have me endure as well. Answer all my prayers. Bless me I praise & worship Holy Father God. I am a believer. Hopefully God spread loving kindness righteousness through generous help. Aid me to not lack I need funds available for use personal benefits getting commissary $. PRAISE: Realization of co-existence I am being alive as mere man with capabilities also. Potential that can be acknowledged also recognition of aware that God is real. I thank you gratefully for the support I wouldn’t be able to fathom if it wasn’t me myself who feels God's presence is rejuvenating. Thank you. Amen. In the name of Christ, All things possible through Christ, I thank God.
The Lord has helped me get back into my kids’ life. You have changed my life opening up my eyes showing me new things. PRAISE: The Lord has helped me get back in my kids' life. You have changed my life opening up my eyes to new things and showing me things.
That the Lord give me the strength to continue to say no to drugs and that he gives me the strength to press on toward righteousness and that he continues to bless me in ways that I could only imagine and that he continue to provide the things I need and that he continues to keep me safe and healthy, And I ask the same be done for my family, friends and loved one. PRAISE: My current situation, even though I’m still in the Montgomery County jail. He still showing me that he never left of forsaken me, he continues to bless me through people, places and things, it would really be a blessing if you guys can call my Aunt Teresa and let her know that I have to do a little time and could she please put some money on my books. PRAISE: Thank you for allowing me to receive today’s words. Today we stronger than last week, smarter than we last in time belong to me.
God has answered my prayers before, but I fell back to the same situation! So, I’m asking God for the same prayers of taking my weak points away from me the task of using and selling drugs make me a better person. Help me be a better father to my kids and open the heart of the judge on me as the person I really am.
I pray that my family and my girl stay safe and stay beside me through my journey. I know that things get hard for Chastity, but I just want her to turn her life around and have love in her heart. Please take the sins out of her, I hope that I could marry her one day, but I don’t want to be misleading again. I pray that I can still have my love and continue to give it to her when I come home. And I also pray that the judge will dismiss or null process my case by March 15, 2025.
A prayer to watch over my loved ones and I pray that God be with me through my case and that everything works out for me in court so I can get back to my loved ones. I know we all make mistakes but we all deserve a second chance and I pray that I can get a second chance in life and to follow Christ.
Just pray that I continue growing in Christ, that I'm able to go home to my child and that I’m strengthened. I’m weak and pray that my loved ones and enemies be safe and out of harm's way.
Please pray for my cousin’s family, he just passed away from cancer.
That I get a court date.
I just pray that God protects me from the temptations in the world. As I return back into society, I’ll keep my heart and mind focused on the Heavenly things and not on the worldly things of this world. Allow my spiritual being to take over my life ‘because the physical is only temporary. Continue to keep blessing me in Jesus’ Holy name. Amen!
Leon: Thank you, God, for waking me up these mornings.
Thank you for all your blessing you are giving me. Please bless my family in friends. Keep them safe. Thank you for getting me in court. Please God bless in this problem Tom in now. Let it be good for me God. Thank you for your love God, in Jesus' name Amen.
I would like to thank God for another day and would like to request that everyone finds their way toward Jesus Christ for salvation and for everyone around the world that need to hear of our Lord Jesus. I have court on April 1 and would want everything to go good on my court date. Thank you.
That God open my eyes to my ministry through my miracle. PRAISE: We have a prayer call. Christ has a body everywhere I go. It’s small but it’s growing. Several people have been led back to Christ.
Thank you, Connie for your diligent work. God bless you. Protect you. Provide for you. Be present with you. May all of you who pray for these men receive the same blessings. IJNA
Father, we pray for these brothers in Christ. Teach them. Mold them. Correct them. Encourage them. Build their faith and their knowledge of you. Love on them. May they come to know you so well that their whole being is encapsulated in Great Love and direction. Free them from their spiritual chains. Protect them from satan and his minions. Give them courage to be, to really BE who you created them to be. IJNA
IJNA Connie/Sharon