Let God Arise and let His enemies be scattered...Psalm 68:1
Let God Arise Ministries Inc. Celebrating 32+ Years of Serving Jesus in Prison
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Let God Arise and let His enemies be scattered...
Listen to an inmate who received Jesus Christ into his heart at the Montgomery County Jail at 17 years of age and spent 20 years in prison. He loves Jesus and loves telling others about Him. 
Celebrate with us as we celebrate declaring Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior to those behind prison bars 30+ years. Thank You!!!

Note: P O Box 11702 Montgomery Alabama 3611-1072 use no longer use Mailing address: 68 Ave of the Waters Pike Road, Alabama 36064

From the Desk of Brother Tom
 Let God Arise Ministries Inc.  
Ministering God's Love in the County & City Jails

E-Mail LGAM3@knology.net   Thomas M Bridges Chaplain

Dear Friends & Supporters,

 Since September 1992 Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ has been touching hearts of those behind prison bars in the Montgomery County Detention Facility (MCDF ) and the city and federal jails in Montgomery, Alabama. As one of the Board members of Let God Arise Ministries Inc. (Jesse M William III) once said, "Brother Tom this is the best kept secret in town". 

  We have witnessed over 30,300+men & women inmates invite Jesus Christ into their hearts. The Lord has raised up a team of dedicated men & women volunteers who are committed to preaching, teaching and reaching lost souls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Let God Arise Ministries is a non-denominational local outreach mission with the emphasis of evangelism and discipleship through God’s Holy Word.

  We minister to inmates from all denominations (Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Church of Christ, Catholic, Pentecostal, Lutheran, Church of God, Assemblies of God, Holiness, Episcopalian etc.) We have reached other religions too, (Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Islamic, Atheists, and even a professed Satanist) with God’s unconditional agape love through His Son Jesus Christ. All with the purpose of obeying Jesus' command to go into the whole world and spread His message of repentance and forgiveness of sins through the shedding of His blood on Calvary’s Cross.

  America took a spiritual & moral downturn in 1963 when the highest court of the United States of America (Supreme Court) decided to eliminate prayer and bibles from public schools. As one inmate said, "Brother Tom isn’t it ironic that our society takes our bibles away when we begin our first day of school and then gives our bibles back when we come to prison".

  One day as I was having lunch with a friend who retired after sitting on the bench as a circuit court judge for over 20 years, were approached by another respectable person in our state. The person asked when learning of my position as Chaplain, "what difference do you think you can make with all these prisoners"? "Our society needs to lock them up and throw away the key". As I was pondering how to respond to such an introduction my friend the judge spoke up and said, "Sir for over 20 years of sitting on the bench I saw many people pass through my courtroom". I learned that if a person has lust in their heart under certain circumstances that person could commit rape, if they have greed then they will steal and when a person gets angry enough that person could commit murder". I do not know of anyone else but Jesus Christ who can change a heart from within. Do You? The gentleman dropped his head and responded, "We have all learned that since we were children in Sunday school". I am in absolute agreement with the judge there is no one else who can change a sinner’s heart from within except Jesus Christ. Do You?

  We need your help in this outreach mission to the lost, Let God Arise Ministries Inc. is totally supported by your $ contributions. We do not receive any compensation from city, state or federal funding. Even though you may not be able to go behind prison bars to share Jesus with lost souls, the Lord has ordained us to go in your place. In order to reach our yearly budget for 2024 we need your $ support. Please pray and give to this ministry as the Lord leads you. Your investment will be eternally rewarded. Thank You for your support & prayers. In Christ's love, Bro Tom


Let God Arise Ministries, Inc. is a nonprofit/tax exempt faith-based outreach mission based under 501(C)(3) IRS guidelines. All contributions are tax deductible.

LGAM is now able to receive your donations online if you have a PayPal account.

 Yes, Bro Tom we believe only Jesus can change hearts from within. We want to support

LGAM with a gift $ of:


$25__ other___

From: Dr/Mr./Mrs./Rev. _________________________By: ___________________

Note: Receipts for contributions will be sent at the end of the year. Thank You!