Let God Arise and let His enemies be scattered...Psalm 68:1
Let God Arise Ministries Inc. Celebrating 32+ Years of Serving Jesus in Prison
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Let God Arise and let His enemies be scattered...

Praying for those behind prison bars or facing prison

LORD, who may dwell in your sacred tent?
Who may live on your holy mountain?

The one whose walk is blameless,
who does what is righteous,
who speaks the truth from their heart;
whose tongue utters no slander,
who does no wrong to a neighbor,
and casts no slur on others;
who despises a vile person
but honors those who fear the LORD;
who keeps an oath even when it hurts,
and does not change their mind;
who lends money to the poor without interest;
who does not accept a bribe against the innocent.

Whoever does these things
will never be shaken. 
Psalm 15

Bold New request


Dear Praying Friends,

There are many requests, very many. I had a hard time due to the sheer number. I suggest that you read a few at a time. I could only type a few at a time. I found myself wondering and thinking, praying for them as I typed. As always, my heart simply hurts when I prepare these to send out. I tried to type as written but autocorrect wanted to fix it all. I wanted to fix it all for them, but as some wrote, they know they need Jesus and only He can fix what is broken. We are the ones trusted to lift their requests to the Father through Jesus the Son. If anyone reading these has ever been wronged, I ask you to seek forgiveness for unforgiven harbored thoughts. If you have wronged someone, seek his or her forgiveness. These men suffer as much from unforgiveness as they do the isolation and constant reminder of their crimes. Some are being made new in Christ. All can be. May each one receive His grace and mercy, commit to new life in Him and become a child of God. Psalm 15 is my prayer for each. SS


9/20/2024 Please pray for my son to be vindicated and proven innocent in the court room so he is not taken away from his 3 little boys

Eric: Pray for my family and pray for my case. But one thing I know God got me

Anthony: Pray for everybody that going to court and their family members and for God to lead me and guide me in the way I should go.

James: Need: God give me the wisdom and leadership skills to lead others to you.  I pray for everyone who need you in their life.   Praise:  Turning me from my sinful ways and renewing a new spirit in me. Thank you, God for not forgetting about me.

Lawrence: I would like prayer for me and my family.  For their protection and safety.  Prayer for my 8 kids and wife to keep them mentally and physically strong.  Prayer for my lawyer her safety and mental and physical health.  Blessing for my mother.  Forgiveness for any sin I have committed past and present.  Praise:  The safety and health of me and my family.  Keeping me mentally strong and motivated to fight for my freedom.  Keeping my family spirits positive and uplifted despite my incarceration.

Anon: I need a bond.  Lord Jesus, please sir!  I NEED a bond!  Thank You, Sir.  Lord Jesus.

Kenneth: I duly ask that I am delivered from evil that I am encamped around.  I ask for protection while you're working the matters of my life out in front of the judge, jury and the DA.  Let your perfect will take place and also let me and Jalyn Walk free anew.  We are asking for our freedom and all shackles be released from around our names, our bodies, hands and feet.  I also am praying that me and Jalyn both will be granted a bond hearing and granted $150,000.  I ask for protection, grace and mercy on both of us.  Amen.

Jamarquez:  I need prayer for my family, close friends and loved ones.  I pray to have a healthy birth for my son.  I pray that my mom is in a good stretch of mind and lifestyle.  I pray my little brothers are doing good in life staying God’s will.  I pray that my fiancé is staying protected by the good Lord’s gracious.  I pray the Lord keep them and protected, full of joy, spirit and keep them in the light.  I pray that the judges, lawyers, and any of their kind in the judicial systems are in the good gracious of the Lord, good spirit, mind, heart, body and soul.  I pray that God put it in their hearts to accept forgiveness and fulfill this prayer and turn the prayers for blessings.  I praying judges realize I’ve been deserving a second chance of life and be merciful.  I pray for a change for the better in life.  (Much asked for his life to be transformed, renewed and revived.)

Robbie:  I’ll like to request a prayer for my case that I get probation and return home to my three little girls and to get back to my regular life and take care of my family.  I ask prayer for my mother, sisters, father, kids, aunties, uncles, friends.  Thank you.

Andre:  Pray for our families.

Jansen:  I ask that y'all can pray for me as I go before the judge for a lighter sentence.  I ask that you pray health and wealth over my family.  I ask that God, please let anyone that’s not good for me to show their hand so they can exit my life.  I pray God watch over my grandma and grandpa as they get older.

Brenton:  Please Lord, watch over to protect me and my loved ones.  Please Lord help me find forgiveness in my heart and remove all the bitterness and resentment that I hold against my enemies.  Please Lord guide me when I re-enter the free world and show me your will.  I thank you for helping me through these dark times!!  Amen

Lane:  I’d like to request prayer for my family and my fiancé as they go through this jail time with me and also for favor in all my court situations and that God continues to bless me with His spirit, strength and wisdom.

Arthur:  I pray for a peace of mind and for my spirit to also be at peace with the Lord for I’ve been struggling with intrusive thoughts that only our Lord can save me from.

Eric:  Thank God for another blessing day.  I just want to keep praying that I beat my court case and get back home as quick as possible to my family.

Ricardo:  I would like to thank God for being with me each and every day thru Jesus Christ.  I pray to be forgiven for my sins and to change me and fill me with the Holy Spirit to be someone that find favor in God’s eye to allow me to go home next month to my family and friend and loved ones to fulfill your purpose in this earth.

Keith:  I pray for my family I pray they be alright I pray I have change in heart and pure heart  I pray for renew mind and heart  I pray God work on the ones who want to change and follow what’s right  I pray he keep my heart pure  I pray my family come together  I pray my faith become stronger each and every day.

Anon:  Thank God for my family that loves me and for His love in my life.  For he has saved me from death.

Anon:  I wish to pray to go home and wish to be released home and I praise u and every thing u do and every way.

Courtney:  Need:  My family, my fiancé, myself.  Always I'm thankful to be alive and well.  My deliverance from captivity, go back to society, to be a father, husband and please be with me for the loss of my mother.  Please pray for me and my situation that I'm in.  I want to be strong with the loss of my mo.  Amen.  Praise:  delivering me and saving me.  Keeping me strong for the loss of my mother.

Aaron:  For strength and grace and mercy through these trials and turbulations I'm facing Lord.  For my mom my brothers, my wife and her children and my son Jayden.  Cover us in your blood and shield us from the evil ways of the devil.  Amen.  Pray for Betice, Patricia, Aaron, Derick

Joseph:  My mama and kids and me. That I make it home to my kids and momma that she ok

Travis:  Prayer for my family and my wife and all my loved ones.  Pray he forgive me for all my sins and let him know I understand life now.

Michael:  Prayers for my relationship and my soon freedom.  And for when I am home that I may stay out of trouble and open the door to my blessings.  Please pray for my family and their safety.

Emmanuel:  in Spanish.  Will share with Mario for specific needs.  Pray for Emmanuel

Jansen: I ask that y'all can pray for me as I go before the judge for a lighter sentence.  I ask that you pray health and wealth over my family.  I ask that God please let anyone that's not good for me; to show their hand so they can exit my life.  I pray God watch over my grandma and grandpa as they get older.

Leighton:  Help me to better understand you, Lord.  I pray every night to you but feel like I get no answer.  Bless my family and the world.

Andres:  Pray for my family.

Quamell:  That you continue to fill me with the holy spirit father God and your will be done in my life.  Also, that your will be done in my current situation Lord.  I also request that you be with Lawrence and my kids and family as well Father God, thank you for life and live more abundantly.  Lord, that you continue to bless me and my family Lord that your will be done in my life, Lord I ask that you renew my mind Dear God.  I also ask that I be free from incarceration so I may see my daughters graduate in 3 years, and Lord I ask that you forgive all my sins, and I just want to thank you in advance for everything.

Raymond:  I have a bond hearing on the 23rd of this month and this is my first violation.  I'm asking that the Lord bless me once again, to set me free once more.  I've been locked up 16 months and looking another 24 months and I'm just not waiting this time.  So, I ask the almighty God to bless me with a bond to at least be free once more before my final conviction.  Bless the rest of the men and their situations as well.

Dedric:  My life, liberty, equity, justice, judgment, my lawyer's mom, pray for Aimee Cobb, family, friends, loved one.  I ask that you give me insight, Lord.  Praise:  God has answered my prayers to provide all of my needs.

anon:  My well-being and my life.  I have prayed to God to keep my family safe and release my body from stress and worry.  Dear Heavenly Father God, I'm coming to you to ask for forgiveness and to straighten my path father God.  Also, veer any loved ones from any hurt, harm or danger.  God, put a shield over me and my situation and have mercy on me.  Amen.

Jimothy: I thank God for sending Jesus to die for our sins.  I pray for forgiveness of my sins.  I pray for knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of Your word so that I can perceive, receive and share Your word!  I love you Jesus and trust in You to make my trials a blessing.  I thank you for my wife and family in Christ.  Amen!  I love you Jesus.  Thank you for dying for my sins.

Courtney:  I pray God stay with me and keep me on the right path on my release.  Please hear my prayers for my family; to get married be a father to my 3 children and live a productive life and fight temptations and live a great life and I’m just asking for deliverance from here.  Am asking for a different path.  Praise:  my kids, I’m thankful, grateful, my situation.  Just waiting on my freedom.  My mother the Lord called her home. No more suffering.  She was just waiting on me to be removed from this jailhouse.

Dean: Lord continues to protect me in all of your ways. Thanks for making my foe’s stumble and fall.  I pray Father that you give Aimee's mother strength to be healed.  Praise:  peace, love, joy, happiness, great understanding.

Hunter:  Dear heavenly Father, I come to you to ask you to take hold of my situation and give me the best outcome possible and let me (my family) be victorious.  God, I come to you to ask for forgiveness and sympathy on my life.  Make my path straight God and reunite me with my family as soon as you can God.  You say ask and you will give God, and I put my faith in you.  My hope is in you God.  I want to thank you God.  Amen!  Praise:  life.  Everyday God wake me and my family up and let us live for another my prayers are answered.  Also, he keeps my family safe which I am grateful.  

Travis:  forgive me for all my sins prayer for my family get me through this hard time and my life, thank you lord Amen.

Anon:  my kids my momma that I will make it home

Kendaldrick:  Thank you Lord for blessing me to leave from here next month.  it's a blessing.  Thank you, Lord.  In Jesus Name Amen.

Keontae: I pray as I repent and ask God for forgiveness dealing with my family and my case. Have mercy on me Father God. Put in the judges and DA’s heart, mind and soul 2 give me the opportunity to be released from jail.

Avery: Prayer for my grandmother’s health and for my very soon release back into society as well as the courage and strength to be, think, act and carry out my duties within the promises of abundance, prosperity and charity asked of me.  

Ronrico: God has answered my prayer for my weakness, my life, family life and others.

Janan do: I just want to pray for my kids and family and pray that i get a court date soon and go home.

Loue: Yall pray for me to get freed soon.

Leon: Thank you, God, for waking me up this morning please God bless me in my family please God open a door for me Thank you God for everything you have done for me Amen in Jesus name

Lamar: All praise due to God.  I’m thankful to be living even though I’m incarcerated.  My request is for you to pray for me to keep my faith and love close with God and in fellowship with the church.

Zachery: Lord i want to thank you for waking me up and also others like me and my family lord.  I also ask you to be with me throw this situation that I'm going throw at this period of time lord in Jesus' name amen

Don: I would love for y'all to pray for my son, he lost, and I need help from my God and my family.

Lamar: for getting out of here to go back home

Kavon: I go to trial next month and that i have a better life and for my family that whatever they're going through that they get over it.

Marvin: in Spanish

Jose: in Spanish

Lonnie:  I would love for y'all to pray for me to get me a court date.   Soon

Ladarrious:  I pray that you my Lord take ear to every prayer I pray for me being free and do right with my life and ask for forgiveness and for the people who did me wrong turn their life around and do right.

Mark: Pray for my family and pray for my brother and sister in this jail.

Richard: Keep all my family in your prayers.  Keep me and everybody in jail and keep everybody in your prayer

Frankie: to live with You Father God Lord Jesus.  Praise:  God has released me, mind, body and soul…In the Name of the Holy Spirit…

Robie: I ask that I return to my three little girls out there that need me and return to my job that feed the needs for them give me one more chance Amen.  I ask that I return back to my regular lifestyle.  I apologize Father God Lord Jesus for a simple mistake I am not a bad person Father God I ask that you bless me with another chance my Father to get back to my three little girls and my job to provide for them in Jesus’ Name I pray Amen!

Anon: Pray that my son has a good birthday without me and his mother   Pray for them.

Caleb: God keep me in your way. Never let me become satisfied that I will hunger and thirst for you always. Praise God and His Messiah Jesus Christ for I am redeemed because of their love!

Will: Restoration of family and intergenerational healing

Carlos: in Spanish

Daryle: I pray I get to go home Dec 9. I’ve stop worrying i turned everything over to God I’ve put on the armor of God so I can stand up against anything as long as God is on my side.  Amen I’ve learned my lesson and I’m giving my problems to God and keep faith in Him.  I’m tired of worrying and stressing so I’m giving everything to the Lord.

Deandre:  Pray for my family and the world.  Help me get close to God and learn his word Pray for trial date to come this year.  Pray to be release this year in Jesus Name.  Amen

Cody: I’d like to pray that everyone finds the love and guidance and faith that I have in our father.  He continues to help me.

Terry: I’ve been in prison most of my life. I’m 59 and every time I set out; I start back using drugs.  Please pray for me to go to rehab and get some help.

James:  Please hear me pray Father God concerning my faith to you oh God.  Lead me in the right way so I can lead others to You.  Amen.  Thank you for giving me a peace of mind, peace of heart and renewing a new spirit in me. I love you, Lord.

Corey: Please pray for me through this journey in my life. I pray for forgiveness of all of my sins, and I ask God to deliver me from this jail and prison and to get back home to my family.  Thanks

Brandon: Lord, please protect and guide me through these troubling times, please remove all devilish things out of my path and please protect and watch over my loved ones and Lord please forgive me for all my sins.  Lord, please show me my true calling in life, and let me walk in the path you’ve chosen for me.  Praise:  keeping me in good health and spirits and protecting and watching over me and my loved ones.  Amen

Delvin: God, please protect my loved ones and let the judge be lite on my sentence so I can get back home to my kids and family

Michael: Pray for my future that I get to live out my dreams yet also do my duty for the kingdom of God to the best of my ability.  I do my best and He will do the rest. Please pray for my family and their spiritual, mental and physical safety and well-being.  Also pray for my woman that she does right and answers the phone and not be a harlot.


Andrew: Pray for me to be soon with my family, my son

Tremayne: Just sending prayers out to my family and kids just watch over Aimee while I go through my trials and tribulations. 

Jesus said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.  John 14:12LORD, who may dwell in your sacred tent?